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Family Pictures in Sunflower Fields // Cleveland Photographers

When Marianne contacted me about doing her family picture in a sunflower field I was excited and a little nervous. I work hard to be as original and creative as I can be with my photography. Family pictures in sunflower fields are extremely popular. I didn’t want to be typical or cliché so the challenge was on. I photographed Ryan and Marianne’s engagement pictures. I did a bridal portrait session with Marianne.  I documented their wedding. I did maternity pictures for them. I photographed the birth of their beautiful daughter, Aberdeen and I did Aberdeen’s newborn pictures.

Family Pictures at Prayers for Maria Sunflower Field

We met at Prayers for Maria sunflower field. Prayers for Maria is an organization that raised money for Children’s Glioma Cancer Foundation. You can read about it -HERE-. It was nice that we could create great family pictures while contributing to a good cause.

It had rained extensively a day or so before this family portrait session, so much of the field had flooded and muddy areas. The field is well maintained, though, so the challenges due to this were minimal.

Other Family Photography Sessions

There were at least three other professional photographers doing sessions at the field. A testament to its popularity. This was a reminder that I had to be very creative if I wanted to present Ryan and Marianne with family and baby pictures that are unique.

Here are just a few of my favorites.

picture of baby in sunflower field baby waving arms in picture in sunflower field parents kissing baby in picture in sunflower field sunflower field picture of baby parents looking at baby in picture in sundlower field family picture in sunflower field bee interrupting family picture in sunflower field