first dance picture at guys party center

Mary and Jon’s Wedding Reception at Guy’s Party Center

After their wedding ceremony, we headed to downtown Akron for some pictures before ultimately ending up at their wedding reception at Guy’s Party Center. We started at the University of Akron. We got some fun images there. We had planned on going to the Akron Civic Theater area but ended up getting some great pictures in an alleyway just up the street. It was such a beautifully sunny day that ending up in an alleyway would seem strange. But there was such great light that we HAD to try something. I’m glad that we did. I have a lot of favorites from this day but these are some of my favorites. Then it was off to the reception.

Guy’s Party Center is a great place for wedding receptions in Akron. They have three rooms depending on the number of guests at your reception. Jon and Mary had the largest (and nicest, in my opinon) South Room. Gorgeous lights fill the space above the dance floor. Russell Sound Lab did a spectacular job with the uplighting and the MC duties. The staff at Guy’s was on point, as usual. An all

around great day.

I want to thank Jon and Mary for allowing me to document their wedding day. Their wedding party and families were great to work with. Here are a few of my favorite pictures from downtown Akron and their wedding reception at Guy’s Party Center.

groom picture at university of akron picture of groom at university of akron picture of groomsmen in downtown Akron bride and groom in downtown akron wedding picture at ej thomas hall picture of bride in downtown akron alley wedding picture in alley bride and groom picture in alleyway bridal party picture in alley bride and groom wait to enter wedding reception at guys party center cake at wedding reception at guy's party center wedding reception detail at guys party center cupcakes at guys party center reception bride and groom enter reception at guys party center guest taking pictures at wedding reception bride and groom at head table wedding reception prayer maid of honor at wedding reception at guys party center bride reacts to maid of honor speech maid of honor speech wedding reception toast toast at guys party center reception first dance at wedding reception at guy's party center bride dancing with her dad at guys party center groom dancing with mom at guys party center bride dancing with daughter at guys groom dancing with daughter at guys groomsmen singing at wedding reception bride dancing with her son wedding guests having fun at wedding reception at Guy's Party Center wedding guest on dance floor at guys bride having fun at wedding reception Guy's Party Center wedding reception at Guy's Party Center photobooth at wedding reception at Guy's Party Center


