groom kisses bride on wedding day at O'Neil House Akron

15 Minutes to do Wedding Pictures in O’Neil House // Akron Photographer

Getting an opportunity to do wedding pictures in O’Neil House in Akron, Ohio is a treat. Now a bed and breakfast, O’Neil House once was the home of The General Tire Company founder, William O’Neil. In it’s heyday, Akron had several rubber factories and was the headquarters to just about every major domestic tire brand in the U.S.  So there are little gems like O’Neil House peppered throughout the city.

For Drew and  Jackie’s wedding, we planned on going to O’Neil House so that they could check in their room on their wedding day. Since we would be there, we planned on doing some creative wedding pictures. We planned it out so that we would have a whole hour in the house. O’Neil House had another event planned for 5:00. So, we would arrive at 4:00, take our time getting the best wedding pictures that we could, and be out in time for them to start their event.

Wedding Days Are Unpredictable

Generally, wedding days are unpredictable. A button could fall off of a tux or dress. A groomsmen might get a flat tire. The limo could arrive late to pick you up for the church. On and on. Things happen. With a good wedding day timeline, these road bumps will be less stressful. Drew and Jackie had a very well thought out timeline so, when we arrived at O’Neil house for their pictures, we still had 15 minutes to get some creative wedding photos. You might think, “only 15 minutes?! That’s not even close to an hour.” But it was just enough time.

Weddings Mean Working Quickly

I’ve documented over 300 weddings. So, I’m pretty confident that I can work quickly to get what my clients expect in regards to their wedding day photography. Having 15 minutes in a totally awesome location for creative pictures, while daunting, was not impossible. As a matter of fact, it was little exhilerating. I’ve mentioned it before, I love being challenged. I think some of my best wedding pictures were under a little duress and in a challenging situation. It DOES help to have fantastic clients who understand what you are doing and roll right with it like Jackie and Drew did. They were fantastic.

So with very little time, we were able to accomplish quite a bit. And, considering that they had their wedding reception at Greystone Hall in Akron, we DID have other options. But being able to get pictures in this beautiful location in Akron was an additional bonus.

You can see the beginning of their wedding day -HERE-

wedding picture of bride at O'Neil House Akronportrait of groom on wedding day at O'neil House Akronabstract wedding picture of bride at O'Neil House Akrongroom kisses bride on wedding day at O'Neil House Akron