wedding day music box supper club

Wedding Day at Music Box Supper Club

Yesterday was Matt and Kelly’s much anticipated wedding day at Music Box Supper Club. Anticipated because Matt and Kelly are a great couple and also because it was my first wedding at Music Box.

The day started bright and early at Rising Star Coffee in Cleveland. When we met to plot out their wedding day timeline, Matt and Kelly mentioned that they would be starting their day there. It’s a favorite spot of theirs and they figured it would be a great way to start their wedding day. Well, I knew that I had to document this. And my wedding coverage is all day with no time limits so we made it so.

After the caffeinated deliciousness, Kelly and her ladies got ready at Music Box. I love exploring new spaces and Music Box Supper Club is very interesting. I was excited to utilize what we could.

Matt and his guys prepared for the wedding day at Aloft Cleveland. After some creative wedding images around Aloft, it was back to Music Box where Kelly was finishing up. Some creative images with her and then it was time for Matt and Kelly to see each other. Seeing each other before the wedding ceremony allowed them to get most of their wedding pictures finished and it helped a great deal in alleviating the wedding day butterflies.

Here are just a few favorites pictures up to this point. Tomorrow I will blog the images from their wedding pictures around Cleveland and, ultimately, the wedding ceremony and reception at Music Box Supper Club.

Take a look at their wedding reception at Music Box Supper Club

wedding day at rising star coffee cleveland starting wedding day at rising star coffee in cleveland bride and groom on wedding day at rising star coffee rising star coffee cleveland wedding day music box supper club wedding shoes at music box supper club wedding broach at music box supper club getting wedding make up at music box supper club bride on her wedding day at music box supper club bridesmaid preparing for wedding day at music box supper clubbride laughing on wedding day at music box supper club allen edmonds wedding shoes a aloft   wedding day gift a aloft cleveland groom wedding day picture a cleveland aloft groom adjusting sleeve at aloft wedding day groom opening wedding gift at aloft cleveland groom wedding day picture at aloft in cleveland reflection wedding picture of groom at cleveland aloft bride putting on wedding dress at music box supper club mom buttoning brides wedding dress music box supper club abstract wedding picture at music box supper club  wedding picture on clevelands west bank bride smiling at groom on wedding day music box supper club wedding fall wedding picture wedding day picture on cleveland west 6th street bride and groom in cleveland










This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Lori Strozniak

    Exceptional couple, exceptional images. Love them ALL

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