Brides Wedding Details
Wedding dresses, shoes, jewelry.
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It’s All In The Details
A wedding day is all about the details. From the day that people began photographing weddings those details have been documented. Whether its your wedding dress, wedding day shoes, earrings, wedding garter, every photographer has their own style and approach to photographing them. In general, my approach is to document intimate wedding details while they are in use. The dress on the bride’s body. The shoes on her feet. I still do details separate and on their own, but I much prefer to do them when they are in use. They become alive. More authentic. More intimate.
How Do I Photograph Bride's Details on Her Wedding Day
As I’ve mentioned, I prefer to photograph the brides wedding details while they are in use. However, doing some pictures before she puts on her wedding dress is always standard for most wedding photographers and it is for me, as well. Since I don’t have time limits on your wedding day, I always show up early to do some detail pictures. If you are getting ready in a salon, I will have my assistant meet you at the salon, while I take care of the detail photos. That is another advantage of having two photographers on your wedding day, which is standard in our wedding service.
A wedding day is all about the details. From the day that people began photographing weddings those details have been documented. And there are the priorities. Whether its your wedding dress, wedding day shoes, earrings, wedding garter, every photographer has their own style and approach to photographing them. In general, my approach is to document intimate wedding details while they are in use. The dress on the bride’s body. The shoes on her feet. I still do details separate and on their own, but I much prefer to do them when they are in use. They become alive. More authentic. More intimate.
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