first dance at thorncreek winery wedding reception

Friday Photography Flashback: Wedding at Thorncreek Winery

I am going back to 2015 for this wedding at Thorncreek Winery because it was just so beautiful and well organized. Christopher and Catherine had a gorgeous day. Having their reception at Thorncreek made it stress free, for the most part. Their engagement pictures in Louisville Kentucky was such fun, I knew this day would be, as well.

When they were dressed and ready and  we did some pictures at the hotel, it was on to their wedding ceremony at Thorncreek Winery in Aurora. I was looking forward to this day because Chris and Catherine were such and awesome couple and it was my first time photographing a wedding at Thorncreek. It is one of the more unique reception venues in the greater Cleveland Area, so I couldn’t wait to get started.

Gorgeous Wedding Location in Aurora

The ceremony took place under the trees behind the main building. A beautifully sunny day, the weather was just about perfect. Chris and Catherine couldn’t have looked better and the looks on their faces after the wedding ceremony really says it all. Having their wedding and reception at Thorncreek made the day super convenient for them and their guests. After the ceremony, the guests could enjoy the delicious hor’dourves prepared by the staff at Thorncreek while we could do pictures on the grounds. Plenty of room to move around, it was a joy to incorporate this beautiful outdoor space in the wedding images.

Perfect Space for an Outdoor Reception

Their reception was filled with unique details. From the centepieces, the guestbook (which I had a hand in creating 🙂 ) to the cake topper, a lot of thought went into planning this day. And when night arrived…WOW! The lights under the tent were gorgeous and I couldn’t pass up this opportunity to get a lot truly unique wedding  reception pictures. Such beautiful night.

This was such a great day and one that I love looking back on. I want to thank Chris and Catherine, again, for allowing me to document their day. I want to thank their families and wedding party for being so great to work with and the staff at Thorncreek for taking care of the bride and groom.

bride getting haird done on wedding day grooms wedding day details wedding dress at the bertram bride getting make up done at bertramz bridesmaid helping bride bride putting on her wedding dress close up of wedding dress bride adjusting veil wedding picture of bride at bertram groom dressing for his wedding at thorncreek winery groom getting dressed groom adjusting tie groom portrait at thorncreek winery champagne at thorncreek winery thorncreek winery wedding program bride checking her phone before wedding at thorncreek winery bridal portrait at thorncreek winery wedding picture of bridesmaids at thorncreek winery wedding ceremony at thorncreek winery bride and dad walk to wedding ceremony at thorncreek bridesmaids at thorncreek winery wedding ceremony bride smiling at groom at wedding thorncreek winery bride putting wedding ring on groom bride and groom celebrate their marriage at thorncreek in aurora bridal party wedding picture at thorncreek winery bride and groom wedding picture with clouds at thorncreek bridesmaid laughing at thorncreek winery wedding reception groom kissing bride at thorncreek winery reception bride and groom wedding portrait at thornceek winery wedding reception table at thorncreek winery wedding reception detail at thorncreek reception bride and groom laughing in wedding picture at thorncreek winery wedding reception detail at thorncreek in aurora bride and groom enter their reception at thorncreek winery dad giving wedding reception speech maid of honor giving speech at thorncreek winery wedding reception bride and groom toasting at their reception at thorncreek winery wedding reception prayer at thorncreek winery wedding cake detail at reception at thorncreek in aurora first dance at thorncreek winery wedding reception first dance with cafe lights at reception at thorncreek bride smiling at groom during first dance a reception at thorncreek bride dancing at reception at thorncreek winery bride and groom partying at wedding reception at thorncreek winery partying at wedding reception at thorncreek winery late night wedding picture of bride and groom at thorncreek winery reception









