couple kissing on wedding day in Cleveland café

Wedding at Grace Church in Middleburg Heights: Cleveland Wedding Photographer

Sometimes the most intimate weddings are the biggest. That was the case with Kajavius and Patricia’s wedding at Grace Church in Middleburg Heights.

An Intimate Wedding

Kajavius and Patricia wanted an intimate wedding. Having only close friends and family come to their church. Grace Church in Middleburg Heights is quite impressive. With three stories and an huge modern worship center, it was a contrast to the easy vibe that the two of them created.

Getting ready at the church made it super convenient for them. They both had great spaces to prepare and it allowed me to get great wedding photos.

Reception Afterwards

With a reception that was beautifully set up, they were able to spend time with their guests in a very relaxed and easy atmosphere. I was able to capture the candid moments between everyone.

I want to thank Kajavius and Patricia for allowing me to photograph their engagement pictures and document their wedding. It went exactly as they described to me when we first met, and that is a testament to them. I want to also thank Kristin Amick for helping me out as my second photographer.

Here are just a few of my favorites from their wedding at Grace Church.

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