I met Kahliyah and her parents for her senior pictures at Cleveland Museum of Art. We had planned on doing her pictures months ago but it was at the exact time that Ohio shut down because of COVID-19.
Cleveland Museum of Art Senior Pictures
We were going to go inside the museum, but since we had to wait, and because the Cleveland Museum of Art is still closed, we concentrated on the outside of the museum. This isn’t a bad alternative. I do senior pictures around the exterior of the Cleveland Museum of Art all the time. Wade Oval Park is directly behind the museum. Severance Hall and Baldwin-Wallace College are directly across the street as is The Cleveland Botanical Gardens. The Cultural Gardens are within walking distance. So, there are a ton of opportunities outside of the museum.
Entrance to the Museum
I always like to start senior photos at the entrance of the Cleveland Museum of Art. It’s easy to find. There is parking. And its a great place for pictures. So we started at the entrance and worked our way around the museum to Wade Oval. Kahliya and her mom were well prepared with multiple outfits so we were able to get a wide variety of senior photos. I never put limitations on the number of outfits a senior can wear during her senior session nor do I put a limit on time, although most sessions last 2-3 hours.
Khaliyah was fantastic and we ended up doing about a two and a half hour session. Here are just a few of my favorites.